Abby-Lee loving it “down under”
Yesterday I received a message from a long time parent whose three children all swam at NSSS over the years. (WHPS, Boys High, DSG, Girls High)
Ultimately they were lost to the game of hockey where they all excelled up to provincial level.
Abby-Lee has since matriculated and has taken a “gap year” in Townsville, Australia working at a school, similar to what Andre did last year.
The message from her mother Lynne was touching accompanied by the attached photo.
“Hello Coach Nev
Chatted to Abby today, she went for a swim in the school pool again. Says ‘Ma, I just thought of Coach Nev and all our training’ . See what an amazing impact you have on these kiddies…this is years later and such fond memories for her “
It certainly makes it all worthwhile – truly a blessing